We feel it is vital to give a massive thank you to a bunch of legends who have helped United Speed Shop (and continue to), so we'd like to give you guys a peek behind the scenes at some of these guys and publicly acknowledge their contribution to United. If they hadn't been there for us, we might not be here now!

Sam is possibly the most over-qualified person to be working with us. Carrying his trade qualification as an Air Frame Engine Technician he’s used to working with large, complex jobs that require a fine, surgeon-like touch. He’s our go-to guy for metal shaping, particularly difficult compound curves, and is a dab-hand with the TIG, too.

The late 30s Novocastrian has been mates with USS Head Honcho Ryan for years now and has had his mental V8 EH “HBOMB” on the road for over a decade. He’s started prepping the EH for a spot of nostalgia drag racing and also has a super-cool traditional-style ’34 Ford in the build.

The locally-made sedan body will be motivated by a built flathead V8 wearing a pair of excruciatingly rare Aussie Waggot cylinder heads.