We feel it is vital to give a massive thank you to a bunch of legends who have helped United Speed Shop (and continue to), so we'd like to give you guys a peek behind the scenes at some of these guys and publicly acknowledge their contribution to United. If they hadn't been there for us, we might not be here now!
First cab off the rank is "Mr Powdercoat", known to his friends and family as Scotty, is a long term friend of United Speed Shop having shared many a warming rum with the boss at Oxytech Powdercoating over the years.
An all-Australian company through and through, Scotty has branched out from supplying a huge range of specialised powders (including pearls and effect finishes) to include market-leading products like Easy Phos surface sealant, Anti-Ox deoxidisation wipe, car wash, degreaser, paint stripper and more.
He’s also responsible for the custom powder finishes on many United Speed Shop project vehicles, including the killer job on the F1’s billet wheels, our new IFS front-ends and all the suspension arms we make and fit.
Scotty is currently building a mental Holden Sandman pano, complete with a brand new Chevy LSA supercharged 6.2-litre V8, 6-speed manual and built 9inch diff. The gold commercial was actually his first car and he’s itching to have it out so he can do late-night deliveries to us in record time.